I've been using iPhoto Buddy since about Version 1.1 (at least 5 years).

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Send this guy some money. He gave us a great app, supports it, improves it and only asks for donations. It uses very little system resources and doesn't seem to slow down my startup. Seems like the only time you need to actually launch iPB is when you need to add a new library. It streamlines your workflow because you don't have to launch iPB first, then iPhoto. There it is, whenever I need to get to a library. Just launch the app, go to the prefs, click on the iPB Menu button and Enable the Menu and Enable at Login, click OK. I just installed the iPB update and it works flawlessly. This is more than an addition really, it will change how you use both iPhoto & iPhotoBuddy entirely. You are going to love the imspired addition of iPB menu. I've recommended it to other iPhoto users and my mom couldn't keep track of her photos without it. Like many people, I've been using this for years and it is still one of my go-to apps. Just when you think they've run out of ways to make this app even more awesome.