
Mpeg2 video decoder download nextpvr
Mpeg2 video decoder download nextpvr

The latest version of XBMC has PVR functionality so I was anxious to try that out as a potential replacement for WMC. My initial goal for the weekend project was to get Raspbmc running on one of my Raspberry Pis. I wound up going down this road in a rather circuitous way. It can even download guide data, which is apparently something WMC no longer feels like doing. NextPVR is an awesome free (as in beer, not as in freedom unfortunately …) PVR application for Windows that with a little bit of tweaking handily replaced Windows Media Center. I’ll spare you more ranting and simply say that none of the suggestions I got (which I appreciate!) worked, and rather than spending more time figuring out why, I decided to try something different. If you follow me on Google+ you’ll know I had a recent rant about Windows Media Center, which after running fine for about a year suddenly decided as of January 29 it was done downloading the program guide and by extension was therefore done recording any TV shows.

Mpeg2 video decoder download nextpvr